Their show might be over but like one rosarian ounce said
"If you give your roses some care during autumn, they will get safely through the winter, coming back healthy, vigorous and, full of flowers next year."
So here is how I will look after your rose
I will deadhead them for you or leaving the hips on depending on your choice.
So that though they have finished flowering the hips will add that splash of color

to what could be a dull wet day
I will pick off all the dead and diseased foliage from the plant and around the base of the plants. As this can cause splashback from the soil when it rains. Thus recontaminating the roses
I will prune out all the dead, diseased, and dying stems on the bushes with clean secateurs

And due to the heavy winds, we get in March it is advisable to do a light prune of large leggy branches as well as thining out the heads of crowns on your standard roses. In case the wind causes them damage.
Also, I will be checking the stakes and retiring the roses back
